Monday, 27 April 2009

April 27th 1940

More re-organisation! No flying today; had to move all equipment to a new office in "B" hangar. Still "E" flight No.3 Squadron aircraft all changed - colossal shambles. No. 207 Squadron became No.1 Squadron "A" & "B" flights. Mertas No.2 Squadron "C" & "D" flights and S/Ldr Knocker No.4 "G" & "H" flights. Got fully settled in by the end of the day and then on Monday 29th moved again! Got a little flying in that day; completely new ground personnel N.C.Os etc…

April 24th 1940

Put in an application to see the A.O.C. over the gratuity business. Rogers has got his. Had to alter this into an application to obtain the gratuity - to higher command.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

April 22nd 1940

Learnt that the station commander, W/C Nixon and W/C Payne were to be posted immediately! No. 207 Squadron arrived from Cranfield to join up with us into No.12 O.T.U. They had been training on Battles with No.35 Squadron and the latter transferred to Blenheim's. Complete chaos again as no one knows how they are to be fitted in. P/O McKenzie and Foster went on navigational courses to the St. Athans or the long and short one respectively, Mackenzie will probably not return. Henderson took over the Navigation Section for No.3 Squadron. W/C Anderson ex 207 Squadron will now command training wing and G/C. Dunn the station. Got in really successful nights' flying tonight. Jana and I had at last found a house furnished but it was larger and more expensive than we wanted or could afford.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

April 15th 1940

Started work as "E" flight No.3 squadron under the schedule. Flying immediately fell off due to the maintenance side of the schedule and we proceeded with a hectic week's work getting very little done. Sgt Edwards came into the flight as a screened pilot and Martin and Barr went down to "D" flight under "Daddy" Swain, the following week drove most people nearly mad.

April 12th 1940

So far a grand week's flying - exceeded all previous records last week by doing 150 hrs in a five-day week. At last some information came out about the big re-organisation. Station to be divided into 3 wings - Training, Maintenance and S.H.Q Wing. Training wing to be three squadrons of two flights each, commanded by a squadron leader with three flight lieutenants under him. So far after some argument Rogers and I stay together with practically all our screened crews in No.3 Squadron under S/Ldr. Southwell (replacement for S/Ldr. Young). Nothing absolutely definite yet - spent the afternoon "conferring" over the training syllabus, as all flights will now train pupils of each type from beginning to end, elementary and operational.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

April 5th 1940

After a record week's flying we had decided to pack up on time at 16.00 hrs on Friday so that everybody could get away for the week-end as it was the squadron's week-end off. At 14.15 we hear a pupil has forced landed at St. Eval through bad weather. Hendy and I set off to bring them back. Got there at 16.25 to find the birds had flown! Got home again just before 18.00 hrs! Went to the theatre in Oxford that night to a revue, with Hendy and one of the Army Officers - Robinson. Spent the week-end off making a rabbit hutch!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

April 1st 1940

A new course started today, pilots from the last course at Cramwell.