Late in the evening P/O Foster with a pupil in a dual Battle flew round and round with undercarriage up. Most of the squadron had a front seat to watch the landing and we got the fire tender and "blood wagon" limbered up ready for the happy event. In the end they got down all right on the undercarriage - the intercommunication (Gosport tube) had broken down midway between the two of them.
Have enjoyed reading this and have added it to my favourites page and will try and lok at them again. Any chance that the scanned pictures can come up a bit bigger when clicked? They seem to only come up at the same sort of size as the thumbnail on the front page.
Dear Eric
ReplyDeleteI have tried to add the scans at the largest the blog seems to allow me to do but it doesn't seem to make much difference when clicked on. I shall work on this!
I am pleased you are enjoying it. Plenty to come yet!