Peter Corbishley took his flight up to the Penthos in N.Wales to start up the permanent Armanent flight. Swain, Broadsmith and one Sgt. Pilot went with him. He left Bloggs and I one Battle (dual) and one Anson apiece. Jonny Martin came to 'A' Flight and Bloggs got an extra observer. We decided to continue as two flights rather than make up another'C' Flight, and to share the complete input on every course.
During the previous week we learnt that F/Sgt Brain was to be posted to Southern Rhodesia - apparently there is a new station there. He was quite pleased. Also that Sgt. Barr had got his commission starting on April 1st. He went off on nine days leave to return to the officers mess. Was rather pleased over that as that made two officers under me in the flight but still left Henderson as second in command. This news rather spoilt by the arrival of Jonny Martin in a way though he is only actually attached to 'A'
Flight for flying and is to do the Link Trainer for the whole squadron - however the snag still remains that there will be four of us in the office which will make it rather a shambles.
Finished up the month with a total of 327 hours flying for the flight which is a record since the war started, the previous best being October when we did 313 hours. Henderson did 57 himself - I did 28 hours. Henderson and Jonny Martin came round to supper that evening.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Sunday, 29 March 2009
March 29th 1940
Got the C.O's permission to take three of the Canadians up for a flip. Took their O.C, Major Seymour and two others, they seemed to enjoy it a lot. That evening they were giving a farewell sherry party to which we went. Home for supper and then out to Sergeant's Mess Dance at Benson. What a day! Felt all right next morning strangely enough.
March 28th 1940
Party at the Fell-Clarkes until 2.30 am with Canadian Officers stationed at Wallingford with a detachment of R.E.s. Jolly good crowd.
Friday, 27 March 2009
March 27th 1940
Inspection of station by all the specialists of No 6 group followed by a conference of all flight and section commanders with the visitors to discuss methods and snags etc. Mostly hot air and a waste of time from our point of view. S/Ldr Simmonds posted to A.A.S.F.!!
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
March 24th 1940
Jana and I drove to Maidenhead and had lunch and tea with the Fowlers there. Came home for supper after collecting Jeremy who had been spending the weekend at the local kennels having a trim up.
Monday, 23 March 2009
March 23rd 1940
Jana and I went up to the town early in the morning. Called at her mother's flat for three quarters of an hour and then went to "Beaumount" Nursing Home for her appointment with Dr Loeser at 12 noon for a minor operation. Carried out satisfactorily and I took her back to the Moslyn Hotel at 4pm She rested while I met Bloggs, Mary, Henderson and Mackenzie in the Piccadilly Hotel Brasserie at 6.30pm after collecting tickets for a show that evening. We all had supper at the Moslyn and then went to the Palladium to see "The Little Dog Laughed" Absolutely wizard show very amusing, a good evening.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
March 22nd 1940
Good Friday, three days break granted as Privilege Leave, started. We had had a weeks excellent flying weather on the whole. One rather bad night's flying when I was i/c. the weather was doubtful and the aerodrome really far too soft. The cross country started and we had about five soloists up when the "Chance" light went u/s , failing to give more than ½ power and started to pour with rain. All the cross country trips came back except P/O McKenzie and we managed to get them all down, he went round and we washed out after he had landed - before the flare path was completely dismantled the weather had cleared and it became a wizard moonlight night.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
March 17th 1940
Brought Jana back from Salisbury after a fortnight's stay there, Jeremy came back to Bucklands too
Sunday, 15 March 2009
March 13th 1940
Epic day for "A" flight P/O McArthur R.N.Z.A.F, carrying out local formation practice on P/O Henderson who was leading, brought his wing tip on the leader's tail plane, bent the elevators but fortunately not too badly and Henderson was able to lead them back to Benson all right. P/O Cameron also R.N.Z.A.F was carrying out a low level navigation trip and hit a tree - the whole of one leading edge being severely buckled he also managed to get home all right!
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
March 11th 1940

Weekend leave until midday Monday 11th March. I attended petty sessions in Salisbury on Monday morning having been summoned for parking - shot a big lie and got the case dismissed with costs! (4/-). Drove straight back to work afterwards. Met S.J.E Huxley in Salisbury.
Second "course" from the pool under C.G.I starts today we are a little behind on the previous bunch of pupils "Courses" seen an improvement as pupils arriving in twos and threes continually. The new course included wireless operators and we now split them into three and each flight trains pilots, observers and wireless operators.
No.52 Squadron were night flying that evening and prior to starting S/Ldr Simmonds had all their pupils up and lectured them on procedure etc. finishing up with the remark "make it go with a swing tonight"! It did, he was actually night flying himself and landed fair and square right on the "Chance" light! He was unhurt. The password into camp that night (previously arranged) was "Beacon" !!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
March 8th 1940
After 5 days brilliant flying weather, we had one poor day, luckily coinciding with a station defence exercise. We represented the squadron alone in the dispersed area. A quiet day actually and little trouble from anyone we read and smoked in a "Nissen" hut warmed by a paraffin stove. Did a little flying in the afternoon. That night HO Ward and I got permission to "sabotage" 52 Squadron's aircraft! Sabotage consisted of breaking through their guard from outside the camp and attaching lorries to aircraft. We got three aircraft and a telephone wire and I also managed to pinch a rifle and bayonet belonging to one of the guards while under the aircraft into which he slumbered! Good nights fun! Went away on Saturday for week-end leave after spending dreadfully cold night in the hut by the dispersed aircraft.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
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